• Energy Metabolism of Bacteria, Vl 9


    Biologie & Pharmazie

    Energy metabolism of Bacteria

    Energy Metabolism of Bacteria, Vl 9

    20.05.18, 21:30 Uhr
    Modul 1.1 aus dem WiSe 2016, von Prof Diekert gehalten content: The lecture "Ecology and Physiology of Bacteria" deals with selected pathways of energy metabolism in bacteria with special focus on ecological aspects. In the practical course, fermentation will be studied with the help of chemical/ physical methods of analysis. The results of the practical courses are summarized in protocols. History of microbiology topics are presented in the seminar talks. The Microbiological Colloquium is attended in combination with the other basic modules during the two semesters and questions to the colloquium are answered in the introductions to the practical courses. Learning and qualification objectives: Survey of selected pathways of energy metabolism in bacteria with special regard to element cycles (L); cultivation and cell fractionation of strictly anaerobic bacteria; gas chromatography und enzymaticphotometric test methods; protein purification and – characterization (P); presentation (S); overview of actual topics in microbiology (Colloquium). Regular participation in the practical course and the colloquium is required to reach the study objectives of the module. The teaching staff will inform about further details at the beginning of the courses.

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    Energy Metabolism of Bacteria, Vl 9

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